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Elder Neglect & Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer in Colorado

Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer in Colorado
Nursing Home Neglect & Abuse Is Never Acceptable

As our population ages and becomes too difficult to care for at home, more and more people are moving into Colorado nursing homes and assisted living facilities. While there are a number of good long-term care facilities, unfortunately, all too often we hear about people being subjected to poor conditions and even outright abuse or neglect in these facilities. Reinan Law’s professional nursing home neglect lawyers in Colorado can help you get justice for yourself or your loved ones.

Our nursing home abuse law firm, Reinan Law has been involved in long-term care litigation and nursing home abuse for nearly 25 years. J Reinan is an experienced nursing home neglect lawyer and provided services to one of the largest nursing home chains in the country from 1992 through 1999. Since then, he has become a professional in his nursing home abuse law firm and represented the victims of nursing home abuse, neglect, and elder abuse, as well as their families.

Signs of Elder Neglect & Abuse:

  • Pressure sores (also known as “bedsores”)
  • Dehydration
  • Malnutrition
  • Unexplained bruises
  • of the staff or family)
  • Repeated falls and fall-related injuries
  • Medication errors
  • Failure to keep the resident clean and dry
  • Improper hygiene
  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Elopement (a resident leaving a facility without the knowledge or permission
  • Unexplained infection
  • Unexplained changes in physical or mental status

If you’ve been let down by an attorney before, we can help. Reinan Law has experienced attorney malpractice lawyers that will help you get the justice you deserve. If you have a question about our services, call us today.

The fact that you or your loved one may have experienced these issues in a nursing home or assisted living facility does not necessarily mean that abuse or neglect has occurred. However, if there is not a reasonable explanation for the development of an injury or serious change in physical or mental condition, it may be worth exploring with the help of a nursing home neglect lawyer in Colorado. Also, beware that there are a number of occurrences that has identified as “never events,” including the development of a Stage IV pressure sore in a care facility.

Why Choose Reinan Law for Nursing Home Neglect Cases?

  • Over 30 Years of Experience – J. Reinan worked with one of the largest nursing home chains in the U.S. from 1992 to 1999 and has since represented victims of nursing home neglect and elder abuse.
  • Proven Track Record – Our firm has handled hundreds of elder neglect cases, securing compensation and accountability for families.
  • Trusted Legal Advocates – We are recognized as leaders in nursing home abuse litigation and fight tirelessly for those who cannot advocate for themselves.

If you feel you or your loved one has been the victim of elder neglect or nursing home abuse please contact our Colorado nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers today at (303) 894-0383.

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