Diane Weissmuller Pays it Forward in Honor of her Mother and World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
The Law Offices of JM Reinan, PC’s client, Diane Weissmuller, has set up the Leola Jones Memorial Award in honor of her mother. As part of the Memorial Award, the District Attorney’s Office and students at Sanchez Elementary School in Lafayette, Colorado partnered to create a logo for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2013, coming up on June 15. The children’s art was displayed at the Boulder County Justice Center, where community members helped to select a winner.
If you are reading this thinking that the name Weissmuller sounds familiar, you’re right – Diane is the widow of Johnny Weissmuller, Jr., whose father was the original Tarzan and Olympic swimmer!
Our firm has the deepest respect for Diane and her work. Her kindness and generosity will make a difference in generating awareness of elder abuse.