What Is The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program?
The term “ombudsman” was birthed in 1809 when the Swedish Parliament appointed an ombudsman, which means “grievance handler,” to resolve problems during the king’s absence. The concept quickly spread across the globe, and now ombudsmen are popularly utilized to safeguard the rights of vulnerable groups such as the elderly.
Ombudsmen work especially closely with residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. Representatives of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program of Colorado are tasked with ensuring that the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents in care facilities are not compromised or violated.
What is the Colorado Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program?
Colorado’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program strives to resolve individual resident issues and to keep care facilities accountable. Trained ombudsmen often speak for those who have become voiceless, especially elderly citizens who have no family members left.
The majority of Colorado long-term care residents receive adequate or even exceptional care during their time in nursing homes. However, far too many are victims of emotional, physical, sexual, and other abuse, as well as neglect at the hands of those who are tasked with caring for them.
Requirements of the LTCOP
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program legally requires visits to each nursing home at least once per month and to assisted living communities every quarter in an effort to quell abuse and neglect. Ombudsmen must be allowed to enter facilities and visit with residents without interference from facility staff. If they find matters of concern, they work with residents’ families, law enforcement, Adult Protective Services, and other entities.
Be Prepared with Reinan Law
Nursing home negligence lawyer Reinan Law can help if your loved one becomes a victim of elder abuse at the hands of a nursing home. Elder neglect and nursing home abuse lawyers at Reinan Law have been involved in long-term care litigation and nursing home abuse for nearly 25 years. If your loved one must enter a nursing home, and you suspect neglect or abuse, contact Reinan Law .